About the Photographer

Christine FitzPatrick

I was the little girl with the purple LeClic camera, snapping photos of my parents with their heads out of frame….the little girl who subjected her dog Dusty to costume change after costume change for the perfect cute dog portrait…and yes, I was the girl who couldn't wait to get her photos developed, couldn't wait to relive those memories, even if they were only a day old. And today I am still that girl - the girl who always seems to have a camera in her hand.

It has always been a desire of mine to transform my passion for photography into something that I could share with others and so I have devoted endless hours to honing my skills (think classes, books, magazines, blogs, discussion boards and practice practice practice!). It is also no secret that I love babies and children. I am drawn to their sweet innocence, infectious laughter and enthusiasm for all things big and small. I credit the birth of my son with inspiring me to finally share my combined love of photography and children.

Photography is an amazing tool that allows us to capture life's tiny details and the memories they create. Memories of just how teeny your newborn baby’s toes are and how looking at them makes you lose your breath. Memories of your little boy’s impish grin and just how much it makes you smile. Memories of your little girl’s pouty face and how it melts your heart. I am thrilled that I am able to capture these moments for you and your family so that years down the road you can look at your photos and be reminded of these beautiful details.

Christine lives with three guys who make her life so very sweet:

• Her very supportive husband, who knows just what to do to make her laugh
• Her happy baby boy, who wakes up smiling, goes to bed smiling and laughs all day long
• And her rat terrier Max, who is the world's best cuddler
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